Tuesday, January 6, 2009

maha from ghana! (good afternoon)

1.6.09 (cont on 1.9.09)
hot, sweaty, frustrated, overwhelmed, shocked and completely out of my element. that's about how i feel right now after a couple days here and a day of working. my family is nice but an outhouse for 10 weeks and pouring water from a bucket over your head for a shower is going to be interesting and challenging! the volunteers staying close by me ( a 2 minute walk) are nice, a guy from the UK, a guy from Indiana, and a girl from Vancouver, BC. i am very slowly learning my way around, trying to remember names and trying to figure out what people are saying to me (in twi it's impossible, in english it's still pretty hard because of the accents!). here's a few things random observations so far...
- "obruni" = hey white person!! - this is kind of getting tiresome since i get yelled at so many times a day :)
- my host mom gets up at 4 am which means i wake up around then too, but it's light only till about 6 or so so we go to bed by 830 or 9 most nights
- roosters, goats, cats, chickens all walking around during the day is weird - when the make noise all night long it's downright annoying!
- i think i may sweat off half a person, the sun isn't so intense but seriously it's 90+ degrees every day with no AC
- the poverty here is on a level that you cannot imagine and very difficult to stomach for me (at least so far)
- having only a pocket mirror is good for now because i do NOT want to look at myself (though it would be nice to clean up before i get to morocco!)
- lucky me, i have already found the mormon missionaries!!! i think i am destined to find them everywhere i go :)
- the diet consists mostly of carbs, some fruit, very little protein and even fewer veggies - this is taking A LOT of adjusting.

ok well i have made it through one week, tomorrow i am off to see a waterfall and hike a bit, i've been a bit homesick and yesterday was not so good but i think today will be better. it's just taking time to adjust. if anyone wants to know anything in particular or wants me to post something - just let me know. even after being here a short time i could probably write for a long time!!!


carrie said...

maha back at ya! it will get easier, i promise...lots of positive vibes being sent your way :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good time so far! I KNOW you look better than you think you do. :) At least you're picking up the language.

Anonymous said...

Mk - I can't wait to see pictures of the waterfall. Here's something to make you laugh. I feel down the stairs again tonight (that would be twice in 5 days) and Seuss was sitting at the bottom. He gave me a look, like "nice job...." Care package is in the mail - a couple surprises for you. LYL. Meg