Tuesday, January 20, 2009

the effects of a profound lack of sleep over time...

happy inaguration day! it's a balmy sunny warm dday here in kwamosos (really akrapong where the internet is) bot like the chilly wheather in DC! i don't think i've gotten a full night's sleep since i've been here but i am starting to adjust. last week and through monday night there was nightly music, chanting, and general noise as part of a weeklong funeral celebration. unlike at home, here they celebrate the person's life with parties, music, food and parades and it seems to go on endlessly. unfortunately, they do it at the deceased person's house, which is right next to where i am...over the weekend i travelled with some other volunteers to wlii falls where i got a REAL SHOWER and FLUSH TOILET! (and yes, i was really excited about those and fascinated by the lights too :)). the hike was great, the waterfall was refreshing and overall it was fun times. the bed, though was hard as a rock so again, sleep was not so great - though for once i was sleeping without a bug net which was a nice change. the biggest adjustment besides all of the above it my lack of alone time - so i value it very much and get very little. in any case, i wake up early and read and write in my journal before my roomie gets up with is seeming to suffice. aside from a few cuts, scrapes and bruises and one bout with some stomach troubles i've been pretty lucky so far as far as being healthy and i haven't broken anything! i do have a couple of cuts that i need to watch because the flies get in them and lay eggs which can leas to a fun infection but so far no problems there. and for anyone that is wondering, no i don't really need to iron my underwear or any of my clothes for that matter :) hope you are all well. i will be on this weeekend for longer so i promise to write more then. take care and ma ha from ghana :)


Anonymous said...

Flush toilets are a wonderful invention. So are real showers. Its always the little things that you miss! I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of the falls (and everything else for that matter)!

Anonymous said...

keep watching those cuts! good to hear you don't have to iron your undies. :) i understand the profound lack of sleep thing.

Carrie said...

at some point you are just going to crash and sleep thru whatever madness is going on outside :)