Tuesday, December 30, 2008

4 days and counting

it truly seems like not that long ago that i started thinking about quitting my job and shifting the direction i was headed...of course as we all know, time flies. i have finally succumb to the realization that i am going to africa and that i need to start packing. the good news is when it's 90+ degrees every day and you're in ghana, fashionable clothing isn't high on the priority list. the problem is i am so paranoid about getting eaten alive by mosquitos or being burned to a crisp that my pile of deet and SPF 50 is growing rapidly! in my vast spare time i have been reading up on my temporary new homeland and just in case you are wondering, i have been assured that buying sunscreen in western africa is next to impossible! here are some other exciting facts for you to ponder
- ghana has over 1000 species of butterflies
- there is a green monkey in ghana who is grey and white (not green) but the male does have blue gentials (really, this is in my guidebook, i couldn't make it up if i tried)
- it's home to the world's largest artifical lake (lake volta)
- there is a city in ghana called tamale (chips and salsa, anyone?)
- 1 USD = 9267 ghanaian cedi

1 comment:

Carrie said...

please, pretty please, bring me a postcard from tamale!