Thursday, March 5, 2009

very very very hot

so i found out today that march is the hottest month in ghana - lucky me! i can definitely feel that it's gotten warmer if you can believe that! however, even though i've been since sick(i am pretty much back to ghana-normal) and not sleeping i am feeling pretty good - and counting down the days till i fly to morocco! i am so looking forward to even being in rome (i fly from accra to rome to casablanca) to get some more western food - though i am anticipating some more culture shock - and then a shower, cooler weather and a more comfortable bed! tomorrow is independence day here so no work - we will probably head to a nearby town to take in the festivities. on saturday a group of volunteers are going to a pool in accra for the day - it will be a good break for the heat and a farewell of sorts as my friends start to leave. i hope everyone has a great weekend - more next week!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

enjoy your last week!