Monday, February 16, 2009

a quick hello

as of today i have only 4 weeks left here in ghana, which sounds like a long time but given how quickly the last couple weeks have gone i can imagine it will be over before i blink! i have learned a lot about myself in the past 6 weeks and am amazed at what i can tolerate. i went from adjusting to life without electricity and running water to today at work having ants crawling all over me and in my clothes. my tolerance for being around people more often has increased and i'm better about keeping certain opinions to myself :). i am more comfortable now when i stick out in a crowd and confident in my abilities to navigate the crazy ghanaian public transportation system. i can bargain on prices and do my laundry by hand - and i think i can even get my socks cleaner than they get at home! however, i still miss home very much and am looking forward to mom's cookies, a cold glass of milk and my very comfortable bed amongst other things. i hope everyone has a great week!


Carrie said...

it sounds like the adventure has definitely been worth it, looking forward to hearing more about your experiences and seeing pictures when you return!

Anonymous said...

These all sound like very useful skills. Does that mean you're going to keep hand washing socks when you get back?

Mary Kay said...

no, i am NOT planning to wash my socks by hand when i get back smarty - only in case of a dire emergency. but at least one of us will have clean socks when we're traveling :)